Thanksgiving Passes…👎

When I sit down to a Thanksgiving meal, there are a few dishes I shy away from. One is a green bean casserole made with French-style beans, cream of mushroom soup, and battered fried onions. That’s the recipe I know of, and that’s the recipe that turns my stomach. I think the texture of the... Continue Reading →

Drinking Coffee for it’s Flavor or Jolt?

I had my first sip of coffee in Vancouver, British Columbia, at a Starbucks coffee where I ordered a caramel macchiato. Starbucks wasn’t a thing back then, not a giant corporate behemoth as it is today. People that bought the “ F CORPORATE FASCISM ” and “KILL YOUR TV” bumper stickers hung out front with... Continue Reading →

Is There A Coffee Alternative ?

The hunt for an alternative to coffee has been ongoing since the late 1800s, as far back as the days of the civil war. Back then, coffee was sometimes scarce, and when it was, people would grind anything trying to get their fix. Acorns, seeds, roots, peanuts, and dried weeds like dandelions were ground and... Continue Reading →

American VS Chinese Food

I just had Chinese food from a place that was rated very good. It was ok. I ordered a lot of food because I had a promo code. Maybe it will be better tomorrow. I should have ordered the smoked and deep-fried turkey with giblet gravy and cornbread stuffing from the bbq joint. The dinner... Continue Reading →

A Tip to sleep.

My great-great-grandmother was living in an assisted living facility. My mom took my sister and me to visit her, and during the visit, my sister started getting tired and cranky. My mom spoke up and said my sister hadn’t been sleeping well. My Grandmother shrugged her shoulders and quipped, “give her some scotch and warm... Continue Reading →

Eerie Smokey Centralia ..

There isn’t a city I’m fascinated with, but a town called Centralia. Centralia was an ordinary American mining town in Pennsylvania with a thriving population of over 2,000 people at one time. It had schools, restaurants, stores, and gas stations. And then, in the 1960s, an odd disaster struck. The city decided to burn trash... Continue Reading →

Dreary day? Add a dreary movie.

Here are a few movies to help you isolate yourself into the world of dreary by offering more dreariness. Girl With All The Gifts This movie has a twist on the played-out zombie genre that works. The beginning is pretty good, as well as the middle, but the end is sad and depressing. There are... Continue Reading →

The Morning Trick

This X 8 I worked in a family-owned coffee shop 20 years ago. We had a regular who would come in every other day and order a double large red eye (coffee and espresso combined) but he would add another 6 shots of espresso. It was a mighty drink, he would sit and study, and... Continue Reading →

A Forgotten Favorite: Zips

One of eight locations Coloring page from Zips There were 8 locations of “Zips” ice cream in Toledo, Ohio. I remember the place faintly. It was a funny-looking joint that looked like a ladybug or a spaceship. They offered a make-your-own sundae using soft-serve ice cream. Since it was a make-your-own sundae concept, you could... Continue Reading →

Odd Fascination..

With Acne scars. There is a time when skin is smooth and healthy without blemishes. Then some people develop acne. The once-smooth skin has been tossed around by oily clogged pores that left their mark. The scars are a history of its destruction, which I find fascinating. Here are a few pictures These pores are... Continue Reading →

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